Sepultura, Kreator, Death Angel and Spiritworld at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco Kreator and Sepultura have teamed up for the “Klash of The Titans” with support...Read More
Satan, Night Demon and Haunt at Eli’s Mile High Club in Oakland Over 40 years as a band and NWOBHM legends Satan are still going strong!...Read More
Joyce Manor, PUP and Pool Kids at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco Joyce Manor is tearing up the road in North America along with PUP and...Read More
The Charlatans and Ride at the Fillmore in San Francisco Ride and The Charlatans are on the road together, each celebrating significant milestone as...Read More
Steel Panther and The L.A. Maybe at the Fillmore A good time is always on the agenda when Steel Panther roles through town...Read More
Armored Saint and W.A.S.P. at Regency Ballroom in San Francisco 40 years! That’s how long L.A.’s W.A.S.P. has been in action! So it’s only...Read More
Twin Temple and The Bridge City Sinners at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco With Halloween upon us, Twin Temple’s “Satanic Orgy” Tour could not have been better...Read More
Sabaton and Epica at Fox Theater in Oakland That fact that “battle metal” exists as a subgenre of power metal shouldn’t come...Read More
FIDLAR and Liily at The Fillmore in San Francisco Wondering what FIDLAR has been up to? Save for their recent spate of shows...Read More
Five Finger Death Punch, Megadeth, The HU and Fire From The Gods at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View With a new album hot off the presses, Five Finger Death Punch is determined...Read More